Cameraman since:
Tom Keller was born in Bern in 1985. After passing the Matura, he gained his first experience as a TV cameraman, as well as an editor in avid. From 2004 to 2006 he worked at the local TV station in Lyss, until he was called up for military service. After his military training as an officer, he attended the preliminary film course in 2008 and the following year the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), graduating in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts in camera.
In 2009, during his studies, he founded the production company 24frames GmbH, with which he initially produced commercials and, from 2014, documentaries. In 2015, he started preparing and shooting the series Capelli Code, which brought him to Berlin in 2018, where he still lives with his wife and two children. After several German film projects, he became a member of the German Camera Association BVK in 2019. Starting with the birth of his second son in January 2021, he abstained from bigger projects for two years and instead shot commercials and series teasers to be there for the kids together with his wife. He is now putting the experience he gained with Virtual Production at Capelli Code to the test on the 2023 feature film Lili by Thomas Imbach, which was produced exclusively with In Camera Visual Effects. Tom Keller, combines the technical side of filmmaking with the passion of storytelling, enchanting the audience with his images.
2012 Filmhochschule ZhdK (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste Zürich) Abschluss Bachelor of Arts in Kamera
Occupational activity: Features an ddocumentaries, series
Special Knowledge:In Camera Visual Effects (ICVFX), Virtual Production (VP), previsualization in UE 5, LED & Rearprojection Studios, Green Screen, 8K Digital, LargeFormat Digital (LF), 35mm & 16mm Film
Languages: german, english, french
Membership: BVK, German Society of Cinematographers
- 2023 Lili / Spielfilm / Regie: Thomas Imbach / Okofilm Productions
- 2023 How Are We Creative (A.T)/ Dok / Regie: Hermann Vaske / Emotional Network
- 2022 The Hill / Concept Teaser / Regie: Helmut Geissler, Sabrina Stockner / Bantry Bay
- 2022 Influenced / Concept Teaser / Showrunner: Felix Schwegler / Convoy Concept
- 2022 Framed / Concept Teaser / Showrunner: Tom Keller, Nico Gühlstorf / 24frames
- 2021 Tamara / Spielfilm / Jonas Ludwig Walter / 2nd Unit / ZDF – Kleines Fernsehspiel
- 2020 Why Are We (Not) Creative / Dok / Regie: Hermann Vaske / Emotional Network
- 2020 Corona Obsession / Spielfilm / Regie: Erdal Dizman / edFilm
- 2015-2020 Capelli Code / Serie / Showrunner: Alex Martin / European Star Cinema
- 2019 Live / Spielfilm / Regie: Lisa Charlotte Friederich / Like Filme
- 2018 Faul! / Dok-Spielfilm / Regie: Christoph Keller / Peng! Palast
- 2017 Faszination Fantasy / Dok / Regie: Sophie Hostettler / 24frames
- 2017 Die Einzigen / TV-Spielfilm / Regie: Maria Kaur Bedi / Tilt Production
- 2014 Winna-Weg der Seelen / Dok / Regie: Fabienne Mathier / Mathier Film, 24frames
- 2014 Luftschloss / Kurzfilm / Regie: Olga Dinnikova / Snakefilm
- 2014 Die Hälfte der Welt / Kurzfilm / Regie: Jérôme Furrer / ZHdK
- 2013 Achtung, fertig, WK! / Spielfilm / 2nd Unit/ Regie: Oliver Rihs / Zodiac Pictures
- 2013 Die roten Schuhe / Kurzfilm / Regie: Aurora Franco Vögeli / ZHdK
- 2013 Eldorado / Kurzfilm / Regie: Wendy Pillonel / ZHdK
- 2012 Heiligabend / Kurzfilm / Regie: Remy Blaser / ZHdK
- 2012 Parachutes / Kurzfilm / Regie: Wendy Pillonel / ZHdK
- 2012 Niemandsland / Kurzfilm / Regie: Jérôme Furrer / ZHdK
- 2011 Fuxing Park / Dok / Regie: Ni Xinyi / Dramatiska Institutet
- 2011 Schlussgang / Kurzfilm / Regie: Jérôme Furrer / ZHdK
- 2010 Spoerli ich bin Tanzmacher / Dok / Regie: Werner Zeindler / Fama Film
- 2010 Heidi goes Alfa / Dok / Regie: Heidi Hiltebrand / ZHdK
- 2009 Bankster / Kurzspielfilm / Regie: Tom Keller / Peng! Palast